
Friday, 13 September 2019

Make Your Anniversary Memorable with Our Gemstone Guide

Your wedding day may have been the best day of your life, the truth is that making it through the years of marriage is something that you should be proud of. Each year can be a celebration of your marriage and jewellery is one of the most timeless representations of this, allowing a physical representation of your bond. Your wedding anniversary can be celebrated, and here are some reasons why you should make your anniversary memorable.

Thursday, 5 September 2019

Explore the Stunning World and Unique Collection of Sapphires

Sapphire is the birthstone for the month of September but most don't know much else about this durable and popular gemstone. When we imagine this gem, we almost always think of a deep-blue stone. But, there are many other lighter shades available in this hue including other colour variations. Here’s a guide to understanding sapphire’s colour spectrum, facts and some stunning jewellery collection.